Saturday, July 21, 2007

Shake it Like Shakira

Last night I tried a new bellydance class. My usual Friday night choreo class was cancelled so it gave me the opportunity to try something new. It was billed as the "Shake It Like Shakira" class and since I like Shakira, I was all excited about learning how to do some of those MTV moves.

The class is taught by Maharasha, the male bellydancer (that is his moniker, btw). And we actually learned a choreography to Shakira's "Whatever. Wherever." Now he wants to perform it at the next Hafla (next week!). Unfortunately I will be back to my normal BD class next Friday night.

Too bad this class wasn't going on during that whole time when the Community Center was giving my other teacher heck about having her class there and we had no choreo class for a month.

On another note, I met L yesterday morning for a 5 mile trail run from her house. It was steep to begin with and I actually took a flying header (left hand is all scraped up), but it turned out to be a great run. She brought her dogs which are super running dogs. The run was followed by a dip in the pool, breakfast (I brought melon!) and a nice chat.

We will meet on Wed to work out at the gym (hopefully my hand will be ok enough to grasp those weights by then) and maybe next Friday for a long run.

I took this morning off from activity although I will practice some BD moves today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sounds like a lot of fun! I like Shakira too...and yeah, she can really move!
I wanted to be there Friday morning, but my family had a change in plans, so I didn't get to bed until late, then I had several different appointments during the day on my side of town...and with traffic, I would have missed them. Hope all is going well for you. :-)