Friday, July 6, 2007

Furnace Friday

This morning I met R and a new lady, L, at the Equestrian trailhead for a six miler. L and I got to talking and somehow we did 7.6-ish That was fine since I could use the mileage and I had a good time.

The heat is killing me though. It is time to take it seriously and pack accordingly. It used to be a 5-8 mile run required not more than 2 fuel belt bottles. Now I need at least 4 with Propel (for electrolyes), especially if I am doing more than my usual sloth pace as of late. And L is fast and of course since we were talking we were going at a good clip. I wasn't pushing at all. But without the proper hydration on the way back along with the uphill, I felt the effects. And with 100-teen weather (90-something at 5:30 am) during the day, one can't fool around. Point taken.

But I am excited. She is about my age and a good running match. I have a feeling she will push me to run better.

Later I will lift and dance.

This afternoon I am meeting M for a late lunch (2 pm) to find out the deets on her elopement/marriage/engagement-whatever.

Meantime I've got work to do, a house to clean and zills to practice.

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