Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Running Rebel

Yesterday at work a co-worker pointed out how tired I looked. I agreed I was feeling kind of tired, but not thoroughly trashed. I actually felt I could have felt even more tired considering my schedule of the past couple of weeks. She asked if I was getting enough sleep. I relayed some events that had me burning the candle at both ends. Then she says, "You've been running early in the morning, haven't you?" And I stood there feeling like a kid who's hand was caught in the cookie jar.

Of course I went on the defense to protect the one precious thing in my life that is immutable and has been my rock in the storm. I gave her my list of events pointing out that is the part that has changed and even though most of the things I enjoy doing, I don't necessarily enjoy doing it all at once.

So call me the running rebel.

Meantime at work I have been super-focused, trying to get all my work done within 7 hours. Unlike other people at the office, I have places to be and people to see right after work. I can't afford to lollygag. So even the work has to be high energy. I like that actually as it makes the day pass sooner. It has also been a satisfying few days as the projects I get have offered their own challenges. However I get them done relatively fast and out of my hair (except for those few niggling projects I wish would go away because I don't know quite how to do them yet and they just suck time out of my day). The higher ups are finally noticing my (mostly) efficient style so hopefully that will secure my position once my probationary three months are up.

And oh yeah, I am underpaid. I needed this job to get my foot back in the office door. Rick thinks I could start looking again in three months. The thing is I do like the environment and I am learning lots. The benefits definitely will add value to the position. I am aiming for a year.

Pledge drive will carry on again starting today since we are $82,000 short of our goal -- oy! That means more office food and pressure to work early and late answering phones. Thank goodness I already have "appointments." I did my time already.

Anyway, am off and running here. Running has been the one thing that is keeping me sane. Despite what happens, I am still a runner.

1 comment:

Jack Sprat said...


I "protect" my running time, too. I had a very similar experience with the "you look tired" comments and the suggestion that I get more sleep.

The thing is, that morning run is something I need every bit as much as a cup of coffee.

I can totally relate to having a life outside of work and "places to go, people to see."

Do try and get more sleep, but don't feel guilty about running! It doesn't wear you out, it energizes you!
