I was going to throw her the best bridal shower any friend could ask for.
Nevermind I am being tested everystep of the way:
First, she wouldn't give me a list of her friends for months;
Secondly, once she did, she didn't think they would come because they are Kosher and I am not even though we would be throwing her a fully Kosher affair;
Third, the Kosher sushi is no longer being offered by her local grocery store. Nevermind. I found one across town and I will go and get it there.
Fourth, this is the topper, the cake we are having made for her has strawberries. Avi, the store meshgiach ("the kosher guy") informed me strawberries are not Kosher. Since when is fruit not Kosher? Who knew? What did Jews of the past do without their microscopes? This is meshugenah. What about germs? What is the difference between a germ and a bug? Size? What do you think about this?
Okay, I realize this isn't exactly ...er.... "kosher" but I know what I would do -- find another expert (there has to be more than one in LV!) and have him tell you that strawberries are okay! Looks like there's a healthy difference of opinion on the matter. Besides, couldn't the hard core people just take a slice with no berries on it? Or does the whole cake become off bounds?
Oy vey!
For every question about Kashrut (kosher laws) there will be at least 20 answers.
I think I made the smartest choice by choosing another flavor. I didn't want to go through all that trouble not to have a guest eat the cake.
Funny thing is I took some strawberries off the fruit tray that has been arriving every other day at our office for pledge drive. I really examined them, wiped them, looked at the napkin, looked under the stems and didn't see anything at all that resembled a bug. The only thing that ended up on my napkin were strawberry seeds.
When I told M, she was unaware of strawberry-gate. So, see, go figure!
Not being able to eat strawberries would definitely keep me from converting to Judaism! And don't mess with my blueberries either!
Glad you found an acceptable solution.
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