Monday, October 22, 2007

Need a weekend from the weekend!

This weekend was a rollercoaster of events that wouldn't end! Each event on its own would have been sufficient, but racing from one to the next was just plain exhausting!

Thankfully I got a run in at Bootleg Canyon (around 7 miles) Saturday morning. That was probably the highlight of the weekend. When I arrived I noticed they were having a bike race. I was a bit worried that I would be run over on those narrow single track trails or run off a cliff!

A nice biker explained their route to me and I was able to come up with one that would avoid most of the mayhem. When I told him that we would be running a footrace next weekend he stared at us in awe. "How can you run on those rocky trails?" he asked. "I love trail running, but out here is just too much!"

Inside I giggled a little because bootleg has such a reputation as being a bada$$ mountain bike place that I would never imagine the bikers thinking the running is scarier than the biking. I think biking out there would be more dangerous because there would be more factors out of your control like the bike and gravity. Then toss in the rocks and narrow singletrack abutting cliffs and you get the idea!

So off I go running, the bada$$ lady in full on pink with lipstick to boot ;) Watch out for me!

Running out there isn't the easiest, but you can do it. Just pay attention and slow down. It isn't the place for those looking for speedwork unless your version of speedwork involves rocky obstacles and the occassional tarantula.

Speaking of tarantualas, they are oft misunderstood desert creatures and aren't looking to harm anyone. One was crossing our path toward the end and freaked out my friend. Rightly so. They are an awesome sight. It was moving pretty quickly though. Too bad I left my cellphone in the car.

The rest of the weekened included the requisite work function that I was invited to attend the day before. If I were actually thinking I would have had my excuses lined up. Funny thing is when we arrived, the same people who invited me practically ignored me! Next time I am gracefully bowing out. It would have been better if it was a good event. It was the Electronic Media Awards put on by Women in Communication. The audio visual was terrible, the presentations were aweful (and they had teleprompters!), the interruptions (they were interrupting each other) were very unprofessionally done. For experts in communication, you would expect better.

Thankfully Rick and I had our excuse lined up to leave after an hour (it was our anniversary).

However he went off to play softball (first time since he broke his leg) and I went to the Halloween Hafla.

Meantime we were experiencing the worst windstorm in ages, power was out including the traffic lights. Half the hafla was danced in the dark with flashlights which added to the ambiance, I guess. Rick's game was cancelled.

Yesterday involved a lot of driving around for M's bridal shower I was hosting. It was beautiful and a lot of fun. We had Kosher sushi and all the food got the stamp of approval from her guests. They appreciated all the work that went in to it. That felt good.

After Rick and I celebrated our anniversary with a night out at our favorite steak house. I got crab legs and salad bar and ate the whole thing. I am feeling a little rolly polly this morning. Gotta get back on track!

Off and running now!

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