Trail running definitely clears the mind more than street running.
When I am street running before work I keep thinking, how soon will I get back so I can get ready for work. That isn't really the stress-free mindset I am looking for.
In two weeks I will be running a 25 k (15 m) trail race out there called the World of Hurt. And no, it really doesn't hurt too much unless you fall on the rocks (wear long sleeves, gloves and leggings). I even wear water bottles on my hands to protect them when I fall.
I sure wish I could find just as diverting and adventurous way to cover 7 pounds of territory back to my personal goal. It really is annoying that all my clothes are taylored to fit best at 118 and below. As of Sunday I was 122.something. Remember, I am short and this extra real estate shows up immediately as extra inches right on my hips and thighs.
The food fest continues at work, but I will not be daunted. The walking shoes are coming with me again and today I will wear clothes that are "walkable."
Gotta get these pounds off so I am not carrying them with me on my race next week.
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