Thursday, November 22, 2007

180 degrees of difference

I woke up this Thanksgiving morning feeling all those corny feelings of gratefulness. What a turn-a-round.

I am settling well into my new job. I think they are very happy with me. Sure there are a few bumpy parts (don't get me started on the conflicting directions from three "bosses," one of whom is actually my direct supervisor), but all in all, I am happy to be employed doing what I generally like to do. The personalities involved make the time spent at work even more varied and interesting.

I've really made a concerted effort lately to put the gym back into the loop. I am also counting points again. Sometimes it take a not to pleasant reminder of clothes not fitting as they should that the body never takes a break from counting points. My weight unfortunately is up past the two pound "safety zone." I am not legally "fat" according to the chart, but if I don't put the breaks on it now, I will be having to leave the house naked.

I attribute it to some "adjustment" with my new job, birthday cake and celebration, trip to NY for M's wedding, eating out at work, but as of this week I made an effort to turn it around.

And the running... I am still running. In a little over a week I will be running the Las Vegas Half Marathon. These extra pounds better loosen themselves soon or else I will be running down the street carrying 12 more pounds than my personal goal and six more than my actual goal -- not pretty. I almost want to sign up under a fake name.

Anyway... here is a picture of M and I in NY!

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