Friday, October 19, 2007

First Full Paycheck Friday

One two three strikes.... you are in, actually.

This morning I am pitching for the third time on our local public radio classical station for our Fall pledge drive.

It is a wierd thing pitching since I am pretty much reading off scripts and the dev team is very sure that approach works.

I feel like I sound robotic. They say I sound pleasant and natural.

The thing is, I was told a lot of don'ts, not a lot of do's. So I am not sure how much to enunciate, how fast or slowly to read, how much style and personality I can get away with.

Yesterday I pitched with a very funny gentleman who is our new programming director. He is a hoot and I think I will get along with him splendidly.

Anyway, off to do my part for the team.


Jack Sprat said...

Oh gosh, I would love to see you on TV! I bet they love you!


Anonymous said...

While it's good to know what not to do, I agree that a list of do's would help.

And I second the motion about seeing you on TV!