Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fly! Be Free!

Last night at bellydance class our teacher gave a very motivational two minute speach about how it is now time to let our "inner dancers out" and start choreographing our basic moves together. I left feeling very inspired to do so. I never said I was professional or halfway good at this, but I do have some inspiring visions dancing around in my head when I play my bellydance music.

Since dance class is cancelled next week due to Memorial Day, I will work on my choreography. So many moves to pick from and how to gracefully combine them... hm?

I guess the best strategy is to K.I.S.S. I would like to do a cutesy BD-Indian fusion with a lot of "Egyptian" head and arm moves.

Oh, funny thing happened last night. I showed off the bellyroll (only upwards) I got nailed down to many oohs and ahhs. So there you have it, my signature move! So what if I can't do a full hip circle without looking like I will tip over. I can just stand there and roll my belly ;) Too bad that won't cut it for 3-5 minutes - LOL

Ran this morning. 5.2; mood contemplative and triumphant return until two drivers refusing to look right almost ran me over; diet coke habit out of control; gum -- denial stage of addiction.

1 comment:

Jack Sprat said...

Congrats on letting out your "inner dancer." For a person like me (i.e. uptight about my body) it is amazing and inspiring to watch you blossom and grow into your new hobby!
