Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Newbie Attitude

This weekend we spent the evening visiting with my husband's Dad and family (includes his wife and three kids 14 and younger).

The oldest, K, is now running cross-country. It was so much fun listening to her talk about her training with the excitement of a kid in a candy store. Wow! That is how I feel lately about my bellydancing. It is so new with so much to learn that each practice feels like playtime.

As K spoke, my excitement grew. Here I had all these copies of Runner's World to give her and some great books to read. Maybe we could get together and run a few miles together some time! Maybe we will see each other at low key 5 k's this summer! :-)

So with my newfound enthusiasm, I got myself up and dressed for my run this morning without any of the recent accompaying excuses or complaining. I just did it as the Nike Ad says. The pace wasn't fast, nor was it slow -- just steady. I just thought if K is out there running this early, why not me? So we sort of ran together, albeit in separate parts of town.

When I returned I felt renewed and more ready to get serious about my St. George Marathon training.

On a separate note, my first performance will be this weekend at the Hafla. I am not that nervous yet. I know the routine. In fact I am a little excited!

Gotta go. Busy day ahead. Got body pump later too. Glad I ran so I don't have to "do it all" later on.

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