Friday, June 22, 2007

Moving Violation

Yesterday I snuck in a midafternoon bd class at the gym. I do like this teacher. The class is upbeat and I get a good workout. The one part that scared me was when she was putting together a combination and called on me to add a move. Talk about deer in the headlights I had no idea what to add. Since my toe was already sticking out I just said "grapevine." Talk about an easy out. There isn't a dance that can't use a grapevine, right? That was the first move I learned as a kid when I learned Jewish dancing I have used it in other classes. In hopes the teacher was just brainstorming and others would pipe in with other suggestions, to my absolute horror and embarrassment she included it in the routine Honestly I had no idea how a more complicated bellydance move would fit in there. Hey, I am just a novice! Right after class I slunk away so no one would comment on my use of the grapevine. Talk about a moving violation.

Meantime I did run 4 yesterday. Tonight I've got performance practice followed by the "free" BD class at the gym. This morning I will practice my zills. Gotta get those things down!

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