Saturday, June 9, 2007

Cool Running for a change

This morning's 4 miler was cool and easy. It was a trail run along the old historic rail road trail near Lake Mead in Boulder City. I was only semi-coherent at 6am, but so long as legs don't need to talk we are doing fine. It took me almost an hour to complete!

I may need a nap before I see Sharyl tonight. She is a friend from high school who is visiting town to participate in the World Series of Poker -- how exciting.

Tomorrow afternoon as Advanced Bellydance at the NW gym with Y. I noticed some politics going on between her and the other instructors so I excused myself politely out of the post-class discussion she was having with one of her students. I am actually enjoying taking from all the instructors and am learning something from each one.

Being a student for a change instead of a "teacher" is providing me with many lessons I can apply in the real world. For example, never speak negatively about one's colleagues in front of the students. It appears unprofessional.

Off to practice zills! 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3

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