Sorry it took me so long to post about our performance. I just wanted to have a picture to post simultaneously.
Anyway, we did it! We did our little 3 minute dance to La Playa. Rick was there and said it looked like we "had fun" which is a big compliment from him because he dislikes the utter look of concentration many dancers have.
I figured I practiced so much (and more than anyone) as well as showed up to EVERY practice so I had no excuse not to know it.
We went on first so we were able to sit back and relax and enjoy the rest of the Hafla. A video will be forthcoming. Keep in mind we are practically raw beginners and for now perfomances are practices unto themselves.
As for being nervous, I wasn't since I am so used to getting up in front of people and acting, either good or bad. So what was a little dance? Besides, I wasn't alone.
As for the rest of the FUN adventures, here is a rundown of the week:
Sunday bellydance with Y at LVAC. She said I danced nicely on Sunday which was a big compliment since I was so not in the mood that I almost went straight home instead of to class. We went over the Yemini step (again.. this time I think I got it), the veil, walking on the knees, moving splits (more floorwork). Was a good class.
Monday night was troupe practice with A. She is such a sweetie. Even though I must arrive late due to "work" we stayed until I "got it." I felt stupid in the beginning not getting this complicated serpentine entrance, but once I saw it in action I was good to go. It will be to Mizerlou and the theme will be surfer-style. I can't wait to perform it at the August Hafla.
Tuesday I ran 6-ish miles. In the pm I was so dragged out and exhausted from running and then literally running around in the 110 degree heat driving, unloading, leading, reloading and driving home to dump my melty stuff off and have lunch I never did muster the strength to make it to body pain, er pump class ;)
Wednesday I had veil/zill class with A as well as Beg 1 class. I am determined to show my silk veil who is boss and want to prove the teacher wrong that I CAN make my lovely veil do my bidding. We learned the barrel roll spin (got that right away) and "walk the dog" (which looked lovely with my veil -- think holding the veil up lengthwise like a train over my head and fluttering it).
Funny thing is today my arms are killing me. Must have been from that -- go figure!
Beg I was a choreography we performed as groups. We called ourself the Sultry Sultanas and they nominated me the leader -- go figure! We kept it easy enough for everyone to get. I think we did great.
I ran 4 miles on Thursday and snuck in a BD class with A2 (Lebanese style). Note to self... bring footless tights to wear under skirt in summer because thighs make umseemly slapping sound when shimmying/hip dropping which caused me to put less enthusiasm into the moves.
Our choreography du jour was:
8 count of mayas (flat-footed -- yes I am improving -- yeah!)
Camel step backward on right and to left
8 twisting shimmies on left
Hip drop forward and back with alternating arms -- 8
jump with shimmy
forward, sit back, kick hip drop
jump with shimmy
forward, sit back, kick hip drop
stepping back kick hip drop
2 circles on left
So far I am liking all my instructors for different things. This one encourages us to take from as many as possible so we can learn as much as possible. Unfortunately not all my instructors are that way with some more than others thinking there way is the ONLY way which makes it confusing for me to keep the styles separate, yet wanting to practice the technique that works best for me.
This morning I hiked 4-ish miles at Bootleg with R. I was glad we finally had a chance to catch up since it has been months since we have had more than a few minutes together to talk. The scenery and the comraderie were worth the 4:30 am wakeup call.
Thank goodness today is my day off as the mid-morning nap was time well spent.
Tonight is choreo with A.