Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

Call me crazy, but I am one of those people who loves this time of year.

The "worm has turned" and we finally have our cool weather that is hopefully more than just a snap.

Yesterday morning I really had to bundle myself up for my run.

It was so luxurious to sleep in (6:30 instead of 5:00), enjoy a small breakfast and coffee and eventually head out. The traffic was light and the air was clear.

After about two miles, I found myself at the foot of this very steep hill at the end of Owens at the foot of Frenchman Mountain (aka Sunrise Mountain, but really misnamed as such). The hill is about 1/4 of a mile in length straight up.

And I wasn't the only one with thoughts of pumpkin pounds on the mind. I was joined by a few other stalwart souls.

Up and down I trotted slowly at an even pace, knowing in the back of my mind I would be doing more than one.

Each time I would finish a lap I would take a mini-break atop the hill and admire the view of the entire valley from the strip to Summerlin and beyond.

Reluctantly, after three of these, I headed back toward the house. Instead of taking the well-travelled usual streets, I forged through the upper neighborhoods, across Lake Mead Blvd. toward Shadow park. I ran on a dirt road nested between empty desert cum construction area on the left and the park on the right. I tried to put the "no illegal dumping/tresspassing signs" out of my head until I reached a dirt road that heads down toward my house.

This road, upper Alto, should be called mattress/tire alley since the entire route was dotted with old possessions left to die. But the run was peaceful nonetheless. I never felt "in danger."

Finishing strong down my street I clocked 5.75 miles this morning. Not bad for a lazy Thanksgiving morning.

Most people would consider that work and wonder why I would put myself through such paces on my day off. I on the other hand saw it as an opportunity to enjoy the peaceful streets, spectacular view, a new route and an unhurried pace; a rare pleasure during a typical busy workweek.

So last night after the last crumb settled on my great grandmother's fine china, I found myself past full with my family's love and companionship. My little 14 month old neice, Shayna, was the star of the party, playing and laughing the entire time.

On my plate was just a little of everything, but not too much. I allowed myself seconds of salad, tiny bite of turkey and another tablespoon of stuffing. Dessert were tastes of pecan and merengue with a bigger piece of crustless pumpkin pie. The dinner probably still wasn't low in points, but it wasn't as high as it easily could have been. I left the table feeling satisfied and in control. And most importantly, there was no midnight snack of a turkey sandwich or more pie!

Today I am working remotely from my parents' house to earn a vacation day for December. Maybe later I will hit the gym and Shayna will join us for some lunch and playtime.

The merchants may be in the black today (I hope), but the mood here is light and full of hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you're doing well and hope you have a happy and healthy new year!