Thursday, July 19, 2007

Shouting into the Wind

The topic this week in the meetings is activity. There is no other topic that receives such a mixed reaction. No matter how I ask the questions, what I wear (this week I have been wearing my "badwater racing pajamas" -- an spf a million sun suit), and what I share of my good times with friends participating in my fitness pursuits, I can hear the crickets chirping.

One lady I worked with said to me yesterday that she lost weight really well just modifying her food intake and was ready to add exercise when her weight loss slowed down. Well 60 pounds later it didn't slow down so now she is maintaining and wondering how to get rid of her underarm flab.

But you know, I can relate. When I was in the weight loss phase, the eating was the focus of my universe and activity were the little moons that revolved around the planets. They existed, but were secondary to my purpose. Any activity I did was to give the weight loss a little boost, not to be my sole source of burning calories.

It's funny how things are all flip-flopped around. No, activity doesn't burn most of my calories. It is still about the food choices, but activity makes for a lifestyle centered around movement versus couch-potato-dom. When you are at goal, keeping moving is the way to stay there. I don't want to be a slave to my tracker the rest of my life.

Plus the midset is different. Now I am an "athlete." Athletes I know do not blow through an entire bag of Doritos and a gallon of Ben and Jerry's during Prime Time. Or maybe that is the fantasy I choose to believe.

When I go to eat something I have asked myself, "Would Lance Armstrong eat this?" which has often stopped me in my chocolate-hunting tracks.

So it is important to surround myself with people who believe as I do. It feels good at the end of the day to walk into my bellydance class and be greated with smiles and hellos from the other dancers (who remembered my name! I am SO bad with names! I know way too many people to know everyone!) who are ready and wishing to dance. The teacher last night asked how hard we wanted to work and she got a rousing response of hoots and hollers. And she worked us and it was fun. The class is filled with women of all shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels and we are all there to learn, move, have fun and laugh together. No frowny faces or blank stares.

In fact the positive attitude I sense while participating in these sub-cultures or runners and dancers makes it seem so normal and fun to want to move and groove. Complainers are not allowed. Such a difference from the move less mindset of the general population.

Tomorrow I am meeting L and R for a tough and fast trail run through the hills near L's house followed by a splash into L's pool. I can't wait. I feel like an eager puppy raring rushing my owner to go out for my run.

Activity is playtime. When I meet up with like-minded people I am faced with eager smiles and enthusiasm. Nary a blank stare or an excuse.

In my quest to squish more spontaneous and convenient fitness moments into my day, next Wed in between my morning and late afternoon meetings I will meet L near my Wed Centennial Hills meeting location to lift weights. The window is big enough and I won't feel rushed or have to make extra trips to drop off melty bars beforehand. We got the idea yesterday when I called her after my meeting and we met for lunch at Chipotle nearby where we decided that it would be more fun if we worked out THEN ate lunch next time.

Yesterday's activity included a 5 mile early run, tv weights and two hours of BD class (one hour of veil plus one hour of high energy basic moves drills). No doubt I will feel it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jack Sprat said...


I only led three meetings this week (I'm going away tomorrow) and the activity topic was a DUD !!! And since this is a part of the year with lighter than normal attendance, it resulted in my meetings being so quiet you hear a pin drop. And there I am, doing my song and dance... while people are either staring blankly, or looking at their watches.

Like you, I have moved into the world of fitness -- but here's the thing. I don't know about you, but when I was 50 pounds heavier there were so many physical activities I couldn't do at all. I'm guessing that's why talking about "moving more" wouldn't have excited me. All my joints hurt even WITHOUT working out.

Now that I'm skinny, like you, I find my body is not only capable of more movement, I actually crave movement.

I don't know if that's a viable message to tell people in a meeting tho ...
