Friday, July 13, 2007

I Love Lucy Sneaks into the Chorus Line

There I am, big hair and all! Hehe! Amaryllis gave us our videos of our first performance Wed night at BD class.

Ok guys, be nice. We are beginners. I can see those mistakes in posture and the occasional flubbed move. But hey, we were working it!

But my little sneaky looks at the teacher to check out what to do next are apparent. I feel like Lucy when she snuck into the chorus line, remember that episode?

Anyway, everytime I replay it I giggle because I look like I have been transported back to six years old (but this time I didn't quit ballet because the teacher said I had bad posture and a stomach that sticks out).

Anyway, I am pleased with the effort and know next time will be better! It was fun even though my expression says the opposite. I thought I was smiling, really.

(By the way -- Today my arms hurt from hurling, I mean, gently waving Alice, my silk veil around during the first class of Bellydance 2 Wed night. Yes she has a name to force me to be nice to her. She is no longer a nameless, faceless veil. You want a good arm workout? Try veil!)

Yesterday was the WW day from hell. I worked FOUR meetings (subbed one) so I didn't have my usual midafternoon break to come home and unwind before revving up and driving off again. There was nothing left by the end of it all. Talk about that run over by a Mack Truck feeling. I had no voice left by the middle of my third Getting Started Session of the day.

I won't let that wipe out any warm fuzzy feelings from helping 55 people yesterday (small classes due to summer).

On a positive, I wore a great "multi-tasking" outfit (heals, knee highs, sport coulottes, tank, flowy overshirt) so I could easily kick off my heels and sneak in a 1:30 BD class at the gym.

Here is the combo du jour:
shimmy with arms going up in the air
right bump bump up with arms "directing/pulling" over the hip
left lift with arms in that direction
Figure 8 (forward)
To right, travelling hip circles with arms out and then hands over mouth
reverse to left
keep hands over mouth (so eyes show, very dramatic) 3 full mayas (flat-footed, erghh!)
roll up with hands moving toward head and ending in "migraine position" (very dramatic, see Dina the famous Egyptian BD superstar)at the same time as chest lefts up and down
R foot brushes floor to direction of R front, side, back hip lift with matching arm "directing"
Back to "migraine"
Same on Left
Repeat on Right
Repeat on left but instead of returning to migraine, hands in air and squat lean, pose with hands back in migraine

I know this sounds wierd, but the moves are very dramatic. It is supposed to exude emotion. I think on a nice Jewish girl like myself the moves bespeak, "Oy veyesmere, vat a headache!"

It was fun and I made it do the second half of my "Day of Heat and Hell" on time.

I didn't get to track, but I am deducting 6 points from my WPA to make it 21.

This morning I met R and L for a great run out at Bootleg Canyon. It is a challenging course, but it is so much fun with all the undulating singletrack.

Maybe I will run St. George afterall. L is trying hard to motivate me to do it. She says she thinks I can run it well. I know that is the truth. The heart of the matter is how much I want to dedicate myself to training for it. Well, if she is willing to run those miles with me, perhaps I can change my mind. It isn't too late.

She wants me to come and run 13 with her on Sunday before my meeting.

And tomorrow I will meet Ernie and Steffen at Red Rock Canyon for six "easy" miles at the crack o' dark. Oh summer how I love/hate thee!

Todays journal so far:
coffee/ff milk/splenda

oatmeal, banana, ff milk

six mile, hilly trail run

2 pt bar/propel (3)


cottage cheese/yogurt/fiber 1 (1 -- yogurt was a lite n'fit, all I have left!)

turkey salad with veggies, salsa, evoo, few spriztes Wishbone, few pretzel thins thrown in (1)
la tortilla (1)
sf creamsicle, part, rest melted and I forgot about it (0)

Golden Spoon frozen yogurt, small (3)

veggie stir fry, evoo, ff cheese, nf milk (to make a sauce w/evoo & cheese)
watermelon -- seemed like lots
shared choc smoothie w/hubster
2 ww choc cookies (1)

WPA's left: 18 (took 5 from AP's)


Jack Sprat said...

Gosh, you look gorgeous and very sensuous and totally at ease to me! I have so much admiration for how rapidly you have taken up this new avocation. And I'm guessing its a great antidote to one of those days where you spend all day rushing around helping motivate WWer members.


Tri-Gal said...

Hey, Danielle, you look amazing! So lithe and TALL! I love that arm definition and you definitely have some of those moves down cold! I didn't think you were a Lucy at all -- just a great dancer!

Nana said...

Wow, sweetie...lookit you! I'm with the Sprat-man - you went from ground zero to a real performer in nothing flat, seems like. Gosh, your flexibility is amazing. One more string to your fitness bow.


Unknown said...

It looks like you were having a lot of fun! Way to go! But, I didn't recognize you with all that hair :-)

Anonymous said...

Most impressive!

In spite of any mistakes that you can see, you have every reason to be proud of your performance.

Keep up the great work!