Friday, September 7, 2007

Mmmm... cake!

I just want to take a poll here, is cake a rare commodity that can only be eaten on someone's birthday, at a celebration or part of a buffet?

I thought so. Just checking.

Yesterday I stopped by my new job to sign paperwork. The nice HR lady showed me around and introduced me to a gazillion people which was VERY overwhelming. So many personalities and what a variety of vibes (I am really tuned into people's vibes since I deal with many people on a weekly basis). Some people seemed too busy to care while others really went out of their way to make me feel welcome.

As I was being ushered down the hall someone asked, "When's your birthday?" I answered and got a big cheer since it is coming up in a month and a half. That same person proclaimed how much she loves cake. Then I recalled the HR lady telling me one of the "benefits" of working there is that everyone gets a cake on their birthday. I thought, ok, that's fine. I am not a huge cake fan, but am definitely into celebrating.

I just thought it was funny how much emphasis was put on this whole cake thing. When it comes time for my birthday I will be happy to offer Birthday Lady my slice of cake. I am sure she will be thrilled.

This is all bringing up what I am going to do about food. I guess I will just pack it all up and take it to work. I do that now on my busy days. I will also bring a pair of sneaks so I can take a powerwalk on my lunch hour. And yes, I am not going to eat at my desk. That workaholic habit can add pounds for sure. Everything is going to be low-key though. I definitely don't want to be known as the WW lady. Marathon lady is fine. My new employers are unaware of my stupendous weight loss.

This morning I spent time tying up some loose ends. I also met L for a trail run by her house at 5am (read, 3:30 am wakeup call!). That is definitely a habit I want to keep. Later I've got a BD class taught by the famed Suhaila Salimpour. It should be a butt-kicker (she is literally known for glute squeezing technique). After will be a professional bellydance show. Should be FUN and inspiring!


Jack Sprat said...


I soooo totally get what you mean about the paperwork. I have the office number memorized on my caller ID so I just don't answer when they call!!!

You have a wonderful opportunity coming with the new job and I have full faith in your ability to make good decisions. In my humble opinion, there is no "perfect" way to handle the food issue at work, unless you have never had a weight concern in your life. For the 99.9% of us that HAVE, we need strategies.

Tell people? Don't tell people? Its a tough call. In my night school class I expressed my opinions and now I have been labelled "food issue guy." Oy.

I navigated the cake thing at my old job with a simple lie. From my very first day I said "you know, I'm not really a 'cake person' but I'll be happy to celebrate with people because I love birthdays."

Cake is like my number one trigger food. I could probably eat a sheet cake in one sitting.

Okay, I HAVE eaten a sheet cake in one sitting. That's why I had to lie!

Anyway, sorry for this rambling rant. Go with your instincts, stick to your guns and smile, smile, smile. YOu are an eminently likeable person and they are gonna LOVE you!!


Tri-Gal said...

I like cake without frosting any time, especially if I made it myself without added oil. And I will always gladly eat the "guts" out of the cake at a celebration and leave the icky frosting. So cake is okay pretty much any time. Just don't give me the sugar rush of that frosting. Why would I want that? I leave it. Or give it to someone who cares :b

TB--Milwaukee said...

I don't especially like cake, now cheesecake is a totally different beast. Happy early birthday!